Azure Static Web Apps and Angular Routing 404

Azure Static Web Apps are great but with some caveats. The one thing I struggled with way longer than I should have was getting an Angular app configured properly for Azure SWA’s.

Everything ran great locally but deep linking or refreshes failed after we deployed. Simple page refreshes resulted in a 404. Non-angular routing links also resulted in a 404.

There’s thorough documentation to include the staticwebapp.config.json with the navigationFallback set which should fix the 404 errors. For some reason Angular was ignoring those settings.

My setup: Azure Static Web Apps with Azure Functions as the API. They’re written in C# as an Azure Functions App. The source control and deployments were managed through Azure DevOps. I tried manually deploying the staticwebapp.config.json file to the build pipeline but to no avail.

The trick: Include the staticwebapp.config.json in the angular.json file.

"assets": [

Short. Simple. And it works.

One library I haven’t investigated with Azure deploy for Angular. This seems to be older than the Static Web Apps so I’m not sure how well it works. Unfortunately, I didn’t find this library till after the deployment issue was resolved.

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