Betty’s Baked Salmon

2013-08-26 Betty's Salmon-001.jpg
This recipe was inspired by my late aunt’s signature dish. I couldn’t track down the recipe in time for a dinner party so I winged it from memory.

Needless to say, this one was a success. Otherwise, posting the recipe would be a cruel and expensive joke.


* Two whole salmon filets (deboned and skin removed)
* 16 oz lump crab meat
* 3 eggs
* 1 cup mayo
* 3 cups Parmesan cheese
* 1 onion
* 3 large portabella mushrooms
* 2 tablespoons garlic
* 6 cups fresh baby spinach
* 2 cups Panko bread crumbs



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


The stuffing mixture:

  1. Dice onion and mushrooms.
  2. Sauté diced mushrooms and onions in a saucepan. Stir in the garlic after the onions are caramelized.
  3. Add the baby spinach to the saucepan and cook briefly to wilt the spinach.
  4. In a bowl, blend or whisk together the eggs and mayo.
  5. Stir in the crab meat, 1 cup of Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs to the egg mixture.
  6. Lastly, stir in the sauté mix.

The salmon:

  1. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay down one salmon filet.
  2. Cover the salmon with the stuffing mix. Leave a little room (about a 1/2 inch) around the edges.
  3. Layer the 2nd salmon filet on top, creating a sandwich effect.
  4. Bake for approximately 20 minutes or until salmon is done.
  5. Add the remaining Parmesan cheese to the top of the salmon.
  6. Broil the salmon another minute or two to crisp up the top.

Thank you, Aunt Betty. The dinner was a huge success. Everyone loved the salmon; even the next day. I can’t say I did it alone. People brought side dishes, desserts and all the fixin’s. Most importantly, dinner always tastes better when you share it with friends.

One comment

  1. Only thing I disagree with is leftovers – if I have gone
    to the work to do it I prefer to have leftovers eternally to avert the subsequent cooking


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